The Kremlin Embankment

The Kremlin Embankment is a new sightseeing attraction in the downtown area of Kazan. It was opened in 2015 and immediately became a favourite place of leisure and recreation for both local residents and visitors of the city. It connects between the two very important areas for walks and recreation: the Kazan Kremlin and the 'Kazan' National Culture Centre. The perfectly smooth pavement of the Kremlin Embankment is ideal for roller skating or cycling. The cycle lanes are separated from the promenade area, which makes cycling much safer. The sports gear can be rented in the kiosks that are also located here. The Embankment is a place to take the most impressive pictures: the beautiful views of the Kazan Kremlin, the Kazanka River and its far bank with Kazan Arena and 'Kazan' Family Centre will serve as an excellent background both during the day and at night. On the Kremlin end of the Embankment you will find a few operating fountains. The Kremlin Embankment also has a lot of places with good food. Restaurants of European and Asian cuisine, coffee shops and a pancake house are open all year round. In winter an almost 1 km long skating rink opens on the Embankment, as well a fairy tale ground with Ded Moroz's (Grandpa Frost's) House.


Kremlevskaya naberezhnaya, Kazan

Kremlevskaya naberezhnaya, Kazan

Baturina stop
Bus No: 22, 28, 89, 28a, 83

Kremlevskaya Metro Station

Central Stadium stop
Bus No: 6, 15, 29, 35, 35a, 37, 47, 74, 74a, 75, 98, 117
Trolley-bus No 2

Kremlevskaya stop
Bus No 98