Tourist guide

Kazan is a safe and favorable city for tourists. However, in a foreign city it is not always easy to navigate, quickly find parking or free Wi-Fi. On this page you can find useful information to make your trip successful and leave only pleasant impressions.

Emergency services

112  Common Free-of-Charge Emergency Number

Attending places of religious rites implies following several simple rules. 
It is not allowed to enter churches and mosques wearing shorts or mini-skirts, with bare shoulders or in see-through clothing. Talking loudly or talking too much, interfering with religious rites, taking pictures and recording video are the actions that are usually prohibited as well. When entering any place of worship one should switch off their mobile phone. You are also not allowed to eat or drink inside.
In churches ladies will have to wear head scarves, while men, on the contrary, will be asked to take off their headwear. Ladies are not allowed inside wearing trousers, only skirts that cover the knees are permissible.
In mosques visitors take off their shoes or use shoe wrappers. Ladies must have their body and hair covered.
Most of mosques and churches in the city hand out head scarves and palantines at the entrance so that the tourists are able to keep the dress-code.

In the downtown area you can find public (Chargeable) parking lots that usually have a respective sign nearby and a parking meter. The first 15 minutes are free of charge. It is better to pay for your parking in advance, because order in the street is constantly guarded by city services and automated systems. There are three ways to pay for your parking:
•    Using a bank card/transit card with a self-service payment terminal;
•    Sending an SMS message to the number 3116;
•    Using the Kazan Parking mobile app (available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone).
Shopping malls all over the city usually also have parking lots. We recommend checking the conditions of their use on-site.

Free Wi-Fi is available in most parks and public gardens of the city. Moreover, most restaurants and coffee shops also provide Wi-Fi access for their customers. The password can usually be obtained from a waiter or a manager of the place, while fast food restaurants often print the password on your receipt.

You can use free prefab toilet stalls located in public places all over the city. Free restrooms can also be found in all large malls and shopping centres.
